Tao Te Ching By Laozi, Lao-Tzu
Tao Te Ching is holy religion book of china by Laozi and regenerated by Lao-Tzu, published in 1868.
Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching, or Book of the Way, is the classic manual on the art of living and one of the wonders of the world. In eighty-one brief chapters, the Tao Te Ching looks at the basic predicament of being alive and gives advice that imparts balance and perspective, a serene and generous spirit. This book is about wisdom in action. It teaches how to work for the good with the efforless skill that comes from being in accord with the Tao (the basic principle of the universe) and applies equally to good government and sexual love, to child-rearing, business, and ecology. The Tao TeChing is the most widely translated book in world literature, after the Bible. Yet the gem-like lucidity of the original has eluded most previous translations, and they have obscured some of its central ideas.
According to tradition, it was written around 6th century BC by the sage Laozi, a record-keeper at the Zhou dynasty court, by whose name the text is known in China. The text’s true authorship and date of composition or compilation are still debated, although the oldest excavated text dates back to the late 4th century BC.