The Rozabal Line By Ashwin Sanghi
The Rozabal Line is a thriller mystery fiction novel by Ashwin Sanghi, written under the pseudonym Shawn Haigins, that deals with the story of Jesus having survived the crucifixion and settled down in India. The fictional element is in the same vein as Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code.
For the Adrenaline Addicts
Ashwin Sanghi who is regarded by many as the Dan Brown of India has written ‘The Rozabal Line’ with a specific aim in mind- to give readers the adventure of their lifetime. The plot behind the book is the belief that Jesus might have escaped crucifixion and might have lived in Kashmir in India. What follows is a whirlwind of a ride that covers all the areas of the map. If you are addicted to high paced novels that keep you at the edge of your seats, then this is just the ideal book for you
The story moves all over the World
“The Rozabal Line” is a book that transverse the lines of the map to produce a story that will have the readers eagerly turning the pages, wanting to get the answers. A librarian falls unconscious in London, a terrorist group has spread all over the world, a special assassin from the Vatican wants to kill everyone and the answers to questions arising in Jerusalem are to be found in Kashmir. This is the story that Ashwin Sanghi has encapsulated in his book ‘The Rozabal Line’ and most certainly merits your attention.
The Rozabal Line ePUB
Author(s): Ashwin Sanghi
Series: Book 1 in the Bharat Series of Historical and Mythological Thrillers
Publisher: Westland Limited, Year: 24 August 2012
ISBN: 978-9381626825