Cryptocurrency Master: Everything You Need To Know About Cryptocurrency By Martin Quest
Download Cryptocurrency Master: Everything You Need To Know About Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin Trading, Mining, Investing, Ethereum, ICOs, and the Blockchain. This is written by Martin Quest. It is based on cryptocurrency.
THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CRYPTO AT YOUR FINGERTIPS! So, here we are. The new world of crypto awaits, looking to give vast riches to those who wish to learn. From mining to investing, there are many ways to get involved.
Cryptocurrency Master: Everything You Need To Know About Cryptocurrency Free PDF Download
There are many different types of cryptocurrencies. The most popular one is Bitcoin, a digital currency you can use to buy and sell goods and services. But there are other cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and Monero.
Cryptocurrencies are precious because investors can trade them for goods and services on the internet. Many people are currently making money by investing in these digital currencies. If you want to learn how to make money with cryptocurrencies, this book will teach you everything you need to know about them.
Martin Quest, an expert on cryptocurrencies, has written this book. He has been involved with crypto since 2011 when it first came out, and he has helped hundreds of people make money from it. In this book, he shares his knowledge about how crypto works and how you can maximize your profits by investing in Cryptocurrency so that you don’t lose any money along the way!
In this book, Quest covers:
- -How cryptocurrencies work
- -How to invest in them
- -The history of Bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Litecoin
- -What the future holds for this developing technology
Table of contents :
History Of Bitcoin Mining……Page 55
How It All Got Started……Page 57
How It Works……Page 60
The Concept Of Double Spending……Page 62
Factors That Influence Mining……Page 66
Proof Of Work……Page 69
The Difficulty Of Bitcoin/Crypto Mining……Page 71
What Is A Block Chain?……Page 73
Building Digital Trust……Page 75
How To Get Started……Page 76
Steps To Start Mining Altcoins……Page 77
Step 1: Buying Hardware……Page 78
Step 2: Choosing A Bitcoin Mining Software……Page 79
Some Recommendations To Get You Started……Page 81
Step 3: Joining A “Mining Pool”……Page 84
Step 4: Setting Up Your Bitcoin Wallet……Page 90
Step 5: Start Mining……Page 93
Conclusion (Mining Mindset)……Page 102
Long Learning Curve, But Surely Worth It!……Page 103
Chapter One: Introduction……Page 105
Definition Of Initial Coin Offering……Page 106
History of ICOs……Page 108
Chapter Two: ICOs in Detail……Page 109
How ICOs Work……Page 110
What is an ICO presale period?……Page 111
Pros of an ICO presale……Page 113
Cons of an ICO presale……Page 114
Maximizing Your Profits If The ICO Takes Off……Page 117
Secure the bonus tokens……Page 119
Keep things simple……Page 120
Chapter Three: How to Pick a Winning ICO……Page 121
3. What is the token needed for?……Page 122
6. Check the quality of the codes……Page 123
Know your customer protocol……Page 125
Importance of KYC compliance for an ICO……Page 126
KYC steps……Page 127
Crypto wallets……Page 129
The Working Mechanism Of Cryptocurrency Wallets……Page 130
Where Can You Get A Cryptocurrency Wallet?……Page 131
Are the crypto wallets secured?……Page 132
Which are the best wallets?……Page 133
Legal Status Of Icos In Various Countries……Page 136
Perceived Challenges With ICOs……Page 137
Progressive Countries In Terms Of ICOs……Page 138
The future of ICOs in various countries……Page 140
Registration with ICO……Page 141
What is gas in ICO?……Page 143
MetaMask Wallet……Page 144
Benefits of MetaMask……Page 145
Chapter Five: Things to Avoid……Page 146
Exit Scams……Page 147
Identifying Exit Scams……Page 149
Multi-Level Marketing Systems……Page 151
Characteristics of Multi-Level Marketing Systems…….Page 152
Regulation……Page 153
Chapter Six: Wrapping It Up……Page 155
Step in ICO Trading……Page 156
Tips on Trading ICO Coins……Page 158
Conclusion (ICO Approach)……Page 161
Cryptocurrency Master: Everything You Need To Know About Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin Trading, Mining, Investing, Ethereum, ICOs, and the Blockchain
Author(s): Martin Quest
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Year: 2018
ISBN: 1721961631