Rich Dad’s Conspiracy of the Rich By Robert T. Kiyosaki
Rich Dad’s Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money is a self-help book by Robert T. Kiyosaki, published in 2009.
Rich Dad’s Conspiracy of the Rich by Robert T. Kiyosaki is a revealing book that tells the reader about the truth behind the coming of recession. The book helps people understand the reason behind the recession in 2009 and gives valuable advice on how to deal with it.
The book is an interactive initiative in which the author invites his readers to provide feedback, commentary, and questions. Millions of people have logged on to the author’s website to read about the recession. The book provides valuable insight into financial independence and how to amass wealth through real estate investments and other businesses. It also advocates the honing of one’s financial intelligence to do well as a businessman and also improves one’s financial aptitude.
The book is mostly based on Kiyosaki’s childhood experiences in Hawaii. The book deals with various topics such as business and investment ventures, assets and liabilities, and the different ways in which the rich, middle class, and poor teach their children about money and financial intelligence literacy. The book has sold more than 26 million copies and has received excellent reviews from the American billionaire business magnate Donald Trump himself. Rich Dad’s Conspiracy of the Rich is available in paperback. It was published in 2009 by Business Plus.
Rich Dad’s Conspiracy of The Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money
Rich Dad’s Conspiracy of the Rich is a book by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter. It was first published in 2000 and has sold more than 8 million copies worldwide. The book is about how the rich stay rich and how you can do the same thing.
The book starts with a story about a young boy named Mike who dreams of being rich. His father tells him that being rich is wrong and that he should not think about it.
Mike asks his dad why he doesn’t want to be rich, and his dad says it’s because he doesn’t have any money. Then Mike’s father tells him he will have to pay taxes on his income if he makes money when he grows up.
Mike begins to believe that making money is wrong because he must pay taxes.
However, Mike meets an older man named Frank who tells him otherwise; Frank teaches Mike that there are two types of people in this world: those who work for money (the employees) and those who make money work hard for them (the business owners).
He explains that if you work for someone else (an employee), then all the profits.
Author(s): Robert T. Kiyosaki
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
ISBN: 9780446568173