Book Details : | |
Language | English |
Pages | 387 |
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Size | 9.48 MB |
Linux Smart Homes For Dummies by Neil Cherry
Author of Linux Smart Homes For Dummies PDF
Neil Cherry has been working with computers, computer electronics, and software since 1978. He has been playing with X10 since 1982.
He began automating his home in 1992 when a friend gave him an X10 computer interface, and he started the Linux Home Automation Web site (www.linuxha.com) in 1996.
When he’s not riding his bicycle or playing with home automation, he works for AT&T Research Lab South, Middletown, NJ, as a Test Engineer. You can reach him by e-mail at [email protected]
Linux Smart Homes Contents
Part I: Bringing the Future Home
- Chapter 1: Exploring the Possibilities of Home Automation
- Chapter 2: Filling Your Home Automation Toolkit with Linux Software
Part II: Connecting Multiple Computers without the Wires
- Chapter 3: Going Wireless
- Chapter 4: Creating a Wireless Access Point
- Chapter 5: Routing Network Traffic for Free
Part III: Entertaining Your Brain with a Little Help from Linux
- Chapter 6: Building a Personal Video Recorder with MythTV
- Chapter 7: Streaming Music without the Wires
- Chapter 8: Having Fun with a Webcam
- Chapter 9: Setting Up a Smart Phone System
Part IV: Keeping a Linux Eye on the Sky
- Chapter 10: Letting Linux Watch the Weather For You
- Chapter 11: Getting Online Weather Information
- Chapter 12: Staying Comfortable with Thermostat Controls
Part V: X10-ding Your Environment with Home Automation
- Chapter 13: Introducing X10 Home Automation
- Chapter 14: Going Wireless with X10
Part VI: Controlling and Securing Your Automation Network
- Chapter 15: Controlling Your House with MisterHouse
- Chapter 16: Controlling X10 from MisterHouse
- Chapter 17: Using the Web Interface for Remote Control
- Chapter 18: Remotely Accessing Your MisterHouse Controls
Part VII: The Part of Tens
- Chapter 19: (Nearly) Ten Cool Chores You Can Automate
- Chapter 20: Ten Gadgets Worth Checking Out
Introduction to Linux Smart Homes For Dummies eBook
Welcome to Linux Smart Homes For Dummies. To own and operate a Linux smart home means to control and monitor devices and information around your home by using a standard personal computer, Linux, and its vast array of open source tools.
Having a Linux smart home is also about doing it yourself and getting your hands dirty — with the code, the hardware, and everything else in between.
Don’t worry if you aren’t a hardware person; I don’t make you break out a soldering iron to whip up a new interface. Also, don’t worry if you aren’t a software person;
I don’t hand out programming assignments. Your limits are your imagination, your pocketbook, and how much your spouse will let you get away with.
You can start out small and build your way up to a larger system. This is not about spending big bucks, though I do try to keep it as professional-looking as possible.
Some home automation work looks like a cheap hack (wires hanging everywhere) or something that looks like it was slapped together at the last minute.
My wife won’t stand for that. Home automation has a high geek value and a lot of neat toys. In the past, basic home automation included turning on and off lights and some appliances.
Later, things like security systems, fire alarms, sprinkler controls, and climate control (HVAC, or heating, ventilation, and cooling) were added to be controlled by the system.
With the advent of the Internet, it’s now also about information and communications (data and voice networks). Although this book doesn’t cover everything there is to know about home automation, after all, that’s a huge topic and this is just one book it gives you a sturdy base to start with.
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