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Climatology By Savindra Singh

Climatology is enviromental science engineering book by Savindra Singh, published in 2006.

July 10, 1944, Ghazipur District, U.P.: Education-althrought high first division: Medate-two silver and one gold medals for standing first in B.A. and M.A. (Geography): Scholarships. highest national scholarship of Governemtn of India: Appointment-Geography Departemnt, Allahabad University, 1966: Present Status-Prof & Head of the Department of Geography: Foreign Visits-U.K. 1985, Germany 1989, Netherlands 1989. Contents : Climatology: Basic Concepts Origin, Composition and Structure of Atmosphere Insolation and Energy (Heat) Balance Temperature Atmoshperic Pressure and Motion General Atmospheric Circulation Local and Seasonal Winds Atmoshperic Humidity and Condensation Fogs, Clouds and Precipitation Air Masses Frontogenesis, Cyclones, and Anti-Cyclones Atmospheric Extreme Events and Hazards Classification of Climates Climatic Types and Biomes Climatic Change Global Warming and Change in Atmospheric Chemistry Weather Forecasting Applied Climatology Index Bibliography.

Climatology Book by Savindra Singh
1. Nature of Geomorphology
2. Fundamental Concepts in Geomorphology
3. Theories Landform Development
4. Climatic Geomorphology and Morphogenetic Regions
5. Constitution of Earth’s Interiors
6. Continents and Ocean
7. Theory of Isostasy
8. Rocks
9. Earth’s Movement
10. Structural Geomorphology
11.Plate Tectonics
12. Vulcanicity and Landforms
13. Mountain Building
14. Weathering and Mass Movement
15. Hillslope
16. Cycle of Erosion, Rejuvenation and Polycyclic Reliefs
17. Denudation Chronology, Erosion Surfaces, and Peneplains
18. Drainage Systems and Patterns
19. Morphology of Drainage Basins
20. River Valleys, Graded River and Profile of Equilibrium
21. Channel Geomorphology
22. Karst Geomorphology
23. Coastal Geomorphology
24. Arid and semiarid Geomorphology
25. Glacial Geomorphology
26. Periglacial Geomorphology
27. Regional Geomorphology
28. Applied Geomorphology
29. Anthropogenic Geomorphology
30. Climate Change and Quaternary Geomorphology
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