Money Changes Everything: Get Rich, Live Rich, Die Rich

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, Money Changes Everything: Get Rich, Live Rich, Die Rich

Money Changes Everything: Get Rich, Live Rich, Die Rich By Azizi Ali

Money Changes Everything: Get Rich, Live Rich, Die Rich is a money guide and finance-related book by Azizi Ali, published in 2012.

This latest book by Azizi Ali (formerly titled Money is Everything) is now available in paperback! It is chock full of wealth-building strategies that work, not fuzzy stories nor theories from ivory towers. It offers solutions, answers, and wisdom on the subject of money. It guides how to become rich, live rich, stay rich, and, yes, die rich. Perfect for those who are busy with work or running their own business, or coming into new wealth, this book will guide them on how to make their money work harder for them while they enjoy the best of what life has to offer.


 A step-by-step fail-safe method on how to save money
 How to become a master of money
 How to use debt to become rich as quickly as possible
 How to make money from unit trusts
 8 clues to recognize scams
 5 steps to take to protect yourself from the coming financial fallout
 How to get rich and be happy
 How to live rich and live right
 How to die rich


I’ve written this book to help point the way to true north. Unlike many books on money matters, it combines both soft skills and strategies. Some books talk about soft skills – having the right attitude, working hard, working smart, and never giving up – while others talk about money strategies – where to invest, how to invest, when, and the like. Very few mention both. Both are equally important. If you work hard but know very little about the strategies, you can run in circles. You might be spending all that sweat for very little money.

On the other hand, concentrating on the strategies alone will leave you very disheartened. Yes, you will probably make some money, but then you find yourself running in ten different directions with hardly any time for yourself, what more for others. You’ll probably be asking yourself somewhere along the line, “Is it worth it?”

This is why I’ve combined the two skills in this one book, so it will all come together. Making more money is important, but so is living life. You want to make the two go together.

The ideas inside this book are not theoretical. They have been ground tested, and they have brought great results to many other people, including my clients and me. This book is also based on much research, reading, interviews, conversations, and, more importantly, my own experience.

The last three words are extremely important because they can be the missing piece in your puzzle. It can be the very thing that lights up your world. For I am also, like many of you, a man trying to do the best he can. I went around in circles for years, trying to make it big. It took much pain, time, and, yes, money before I saw the light. I’ve traveled that road, and I know how hard it is to build wealth and make it in a world filled with conflicting signs, neon distractions, and false prophets. So I am writing this book not only as a Chartered Financial Consultant but also as a traveler who has faced the dragons standing in the way and knows how to slay them.

It is a real-life guide to building wealth while enjoying the journey.


Azizi Ali is the #1 authority on money matters in Malaysia. He has been at the forefront of personal finance for over 10 years. Leaders, CEOs, business owners, celebrities, authors, trainers, speakers, coaches, and executives come to him for guidance on money.

Money Changes Everything: Get Rich, Live Rich, Die Rich Highlights

Money Changes Everything: Get Rich, Live Rich, Die Rich by Robert Kiyosaki is a book that will change your life. This book has changed my life, and I am sure it will change yours too.

Robert Kiyosaki is an author who writes on personal finance, entrepreneurship, and real estate. He has written many books on these topics, and his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” has been one of the most read books on personal finance and has sold over 26 million copies worldwide.

In this book, Kiyosaki talks about how money changes everything in your life. He says that we are all born with equal opportunities, but how we use cash determines our destiny in life. He talks about how you can get rich by working hard at what you love and saving as much as possible from your income to invest in assets that will produce more revenue than it costs to own them.

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