Social Empathy: The Art of Understanding Others

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, Social Empathy: The Art of Understanding Others

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Social Empathy: The Art of Understanding Others By Elizabeth Segal

In Social Empathy: The Art of Understanding Others, Elizabeth A. Segal explains how we can develop our ability to understand one another and have compassion toward different social groups. When we are socially empathic, we not only imagine what it is like to be another person, but we consider their social, economic, and political circumstances and what shaped them. Segal explains the evolutionary and learned components of interpersonal and social empathy, including neurobiological factors and the role of social structures. Ultimately, empathy is not only a part of interpersonal relations: it is fundamental to interactions between different social groups and can be a way to bridge diverse people and communities. A clear and useful explanation of an often misunderstood concept, Social Empathy brings together sociology, psychology, social work, and cognitive neuroscience to illustrate how to become better advocates for justice.


Social Empathy: The Art of Understanding Others

Author(s): Elizabeth Segal

Publisher: Columbia University Press, Year: 2018

ISBN: 9780231184809, 978-0231184809



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