The India Way

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The India Way By S. Jaishankar

The India Way: Strategies for an Uncertain World is history book by S. Jaishankar, published in 2020.

The decade from the 2008 global financial crisis to the 2020 coronavirus pandemic has seen a real transformation of the world order. The very nature of international relations and its rules are changing before our eyes. For India, this means optimal relationships with all the major powers to best advance its goals. It also requires a bolder and non-reciprocal approach to its neighbourhood. A global footprint is now in the making that leverages India’s greater capability and relevance, as well as its unique diaspora. This era of global upheaval entails greater expectations from India, putting it on the path to becoming a leading power. In The India Way, S. Jaishankar, India’s Minister of External Affairs, analyses these challenges and spells out possible policy responses. He places this thinking in the context of history and tradition, appropriate for a civilizational power that seeks to reclaim its place on the world stage.

The India Way: Strategies for an uncertain world

Author(s): S Jaishankar

Publisher: Harper Collins, Year: 2020

ISBN: 9789353579791,9789390163878

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